There seems to be an intricate connection at the moment between the French, the name Paul – or variations of it – and huge international signings… As Manchester United prepare to launch a world-record bid to sign Paul Pogba from Juventus, PerMondo has sadly had to say goodbye to Pauline Junca this week, and yet in our own world-record bid to follow Francophonic trends, we’ve also welcomed our latest intern, Pauline RicherContinue Reading
PerMondo Update 23/06/2016: More Completed Projects
PerMondo is back with another update. This week, we’ll mainly look at our role as translation postmen, as we tell you about the projects that we’ve delivered, although we ought to give a warm welcome to two new NGOs…
The first is the France-based environmental organisation, Place to B, which strives to raise awareness of, and get more people talking about, climate change. Our first project with Place to B will be the translation of their website from French into English, which we hope to deliver in mid-July.
We’ve also started our first ever collaboration with another French NGO, Sentinelles. This honourable organisation comes to the aide of sick, wounded and impoverished children around the globeContinue Reading
WMCW Mega-Project All Wrapped Up!
Welcome to another PerMondo update – brace yourselves, because we’ve got a lot to tell you!
Let’s firstly tell you about the new projects that we’ve received from our loyal NGOs this week…
…The National Down Syndrome Congress has asked us to translate a short article from English into Spanish, which is currently being proofread and should be delivered soon.
We’ve also taken on two new huge projects for the Research Institute for Waldorf Education: We’re firstly translating a 77,192-word book on the teaching of history from English into Spanish; and similar articles with a total of 4076 words. We’re extremely grateful to the organisation, as they have yet again been able to offer our helpful volunteers a payment for their servicesContinue Reading
PerMondo Update 31/05/2016: Thank-Yous All Around
As we reach the end of May and the sun’s summer rays start to warm our backs, PerMondo has used this solar energy to recharge its batteries and complete a huge amount of translations. Before we take a look at the work that has come to an end this week, let’s look at the new projects that we’ve got going on…
We’ve taken on an extremely interesting proofreading project for the moneyless traveller, Benjamin Lesage, and his Sans un Sou en poche project. We look forward to publishing the English translation of his self-written book on how to live a healthier and happier life without money in mid-JuneContinue Reading
PerMondo Welcomes 4 New NGOs
We’ve not written in a few weeks, since we’ve been busy working on a lot of new translation projects – we hope you’ve not missed us too much! Although we haven’t delivered too much new work in the past few weeks, we have started a whole load of new projects, some of which are with new NGOs. Well then, let’s take a look…
The first organisation we’ve welcomed into our ranks has been Code Club UA, a Ukrainian organisation which teaches young people how to code. In an increasingly technological world, there’s no denying how important their impact will be in improving the employment prospects of the coming generationsContinue Reading
PerMondo has a Week of Happy Hellos and Not-so-good Goodbyes
We promised you last time that we would have a lot to tell you next time we sharpened our pencils and took to the blogosphere. And we certainly weren’t fibbing!
It’s been another busy week at PerMondo, and one in which we’ve said hello to a few new NGO faces and said goodbye to a precious intern. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s crack on with it…
The first new NGO that we’d like to present to you is Asociación Mujeres Opañel, a Spanish-based organisation which fights for the well-being of women and their children who are often the victims of domestic violence. Great emphasis is put on socially vulnerable women, as the foundations aims to empower them and drive them towards a more independent futureContinue Reading