Requirements for free translation
- This free service is aimed at charitable organisations, foundations or any other kind of organisation, initiative or project that offers a benefit to society and is not motivated by financial gain.
- As a rule of thumb, we must share the ethos of these organisations in order to work with them. We will not offer our services to any kind of organisation that promotes extremism, radicalism or violence.
- The organisations that we would like to work with are those who deal with themes such as: awareness campaigns and environmental protection, open source projects and helping those most in need, as well as education, information and campaigning against injustice.
- Whilst the service is completely free of charge, we do encourage the organisation to pay the volunteer what it considers to be an appropriate amount.
- The texts to be translated must be completely finished by the time our services are requested. It goes without saying that the translation must be connected to a legitimate organisation.
- The organisation will give credit to the translator and team that has worked on the translation (normally on the web page).
- We do not have unlimited resources. Therefore, the possibility of providing a translation for an individual text and the length of time necessary to do so will depend on availability.
- There must be a reason for the free translation. The organisation must need the translation to be done, both from an economic and a practical standpoint.