PerMondo has been around since 2009, the year in which we first started to work with non-profit organisations.
The Initiative is made up of a large number of volunteers as well as members of the Mondo Agit translation agency team (employees, interns and external collaborators) who coordinate everything.
In other words, the initiative consists of ordinary people who want to do something to help make the world a better place.
Just as Mondo Agit sets out to offer consistent, professional work, we too at PerMondo strive to do the same. We do, however, have to take in to account that the services we offer are done so free of charge and, as such, do not carry any type of guarantee.
What is the link between Mondo Agit and PerMondo?
Mondo Agit is a for-profit company; PerMondo, a non-profit initiative.
PerMondo is an independent initiative that was developed from a project at the agency and that collaborates closely with it.
Mondo Agit has made its offices and materials available to the PerMondo initiative. It has also allowed its employees to dedicate a portion of their time towards working on it. PerMondo helps create publicity and promotes a positive image for the agency.
Our Motivation
Naturally, an initiative like this is not created to fill anyone’s pockets or to make anyone more powerful. Why then has it been created? Could it be that humankind is, in fact, inherently kind? Of course we cannot simply assert this as a statement of fact. Perhaps the answer is as simple as this: we do it because we enjoy it, because we want to be part of something positive and it makes us feel good to know that we are able to do something to make the world a better place.