- Smilemundo
Smilemundo, a Barcelona-based NGO, aims to help promote social values and communication through games and play. In our first ever collaboration in October, we helped to translate a document relating to SmileUrbo, their interactive role-playing game which teaches players how to resolve conflicts and work collaboratively.
Smilemundo‘s website
- Amis de la Terre France
The French branch of one of the world’s largest grassroot movements focuses on environmental and social issues. In October, we translated several documents from English into Spanish for one of their online campaigns.
Amis de la Terre France‘s website
Translation credits
- Fundación Soñar Despierto
We’ve been working with this NGO, which promotes the social integration of children from troubled homes, since 2014, when we helped to translate their website from Spanish into English. In September of this year, we translated their annual report for 2014 from Spanish into English, which you can read below.
Link to Fundación Soñar Despierto
Link to annual report
- Acción Contra el Hambre
Dedicated to fighting hunger around the world, we’ve been working with this NGO for many years now. In September, we helped to translate several internal documents from Spanish into English.
Link to Acción Contra el Hambre
- Información sin Fronteras
September 2015 marked our first ever collaboration with this Spanish NGO, which provides information for medical professionals in areas with scarce resources. We translated an informational document about the NGO from Spanish into French.
Información sin Fronteras‘ website
- Fairstep
Entering our second year of collaboration with this European Initiative, in August we translated several articles with a total of nearly 5,000 words from German into English, Spanish, Italian and French.
Fairstep‘s website
- Aviation Sans Frontières
Aviation Sans Frontieres (Aviation without Borders) is a French NGO which aims to put the aeronautical skills of its members to the service of humanitarian assistance, by transporting medical personnel, delivering humanitarian cargo, taking sick children to hospitals abroad and escorting refugees to new host countries, among other things. In August, we began translating and proofreading sections of their website from French into English and we’re now continuing to translate several articles.
Link to Aviation Sans Frontières (1st article) and 2nd article from ASF
- International Platform of National NGO Platforms
Founded in 2008, the IFP unites 60 platforms across five continents, which together account for more than 22,000 non-governmental organisations. Working to defend human rights and eradicate poverty, they seek to create the conditions necessary for NGOs to participate in the international public debate. In our first collaboration with the Platform, we translated more than 7,000 words from French into Spanish, Portuguese and English. August 2015.
- On Purpose
This London-based NGO runs a paid training programme for the future leaders of social enterprises. By providing young professionals with the appropriate knowledge and skills, it hopes to build a team of world-class leaders who will make a difference to society in the years to come. Working with the organisation for the first time, we translated a number of documents from English into German regarding the upcoming 2015 programme. August 2015.
- Hope Projekte Madagaskar
This NGO, founded in 2007, comprises two teams of German and Malagasy Christians working simultaneously to provide assistance to the poorest people in Madagascar, focusing on their health, education and nutrition. In our first collaboration with the organisation, we translated a series of letters and reports between German and English and French. July 2015.
Link to Hope Projekte Madagaskar
- Expéditions MED
This French organisation conducts a number of studies and develops scientific research on the levels of plastic waste in the Mediterranean Sea, with the aim of raising awareness and preventing this issue in the future. In our first collaboration with the organisation, we translated reports from French into both Spanish and German. July 2015.
Link to Expéditions MED
- Fundación Adsis
We began working with this NGO in late 2014 and have since completed a number of translations from Spanish into English and Basque on their behalf. The foundation is committed to the inclusion of impoverished and disadvantaged groups within society, promoting and developing social action and education programmes. June 2015.
Link to Fundación Adsis
- Únete al Planeta
Founded in Barcelona in 2007, this non-profit organisation is doing all it can to raise awareness of climate change on both a national and international level and motivate people to reduce their CO2 emissions. We’ve now completed two Spanish-English translations for the NGO and look forward to future collaborations. June 2015.
Link to Únete al Planeta (Facebook site)
- Youth Future Project
We’ve been working with this NGO since early 2014, and have since completed a number of translations between German and English, the most recent of which was the organisation’s annual report, in June 2015.
Link to Youth Future Project
- Serious Fun Children’s Network
This French organisation runs a series of camps for children with serious or life-threatening health conditions, helping them and their families to reach beyond their illnesses and discover joy, confidence and new possibilities. We’ve now completed a number of translations from French into English on a range of subject areas. May 2015.
Link to Serious Fun Children’s Network
- Amigos de la Tierra
Amigos de la Tierra is a one of the world’s largest grassroots networks which campaigns to raise awareness on today’s most urgent environmental and social issues. Having begun work with the organisation in 2013, we most recently translated content for two of its partner organisations from English into Spanish. May 2015.
Link to Amigos de la Tierra
- The Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing
The GPPHW is a coalition of international stakeholders working to promote handwashing with soap and the recognition of hygiene as a pillar of international development and public health. In our first collaboration with the organisation, we translated their Sustainable Development Goals policy document from English into French. May 2015.
Link to the policy document in French
- European Shepherds Network
The ESN brings together livestock farmers and shepherding organisations from across Europe with the aim of promoting knowledge on the role of pastoralism in the sustainable development of European territories. Since our first collaboration in May 2015, we’ve translated various web-based content from English into French, Spanish and German.
Link to the organisation’s web page in German
- Association Pachacamac
This French organisation, established in 2007, works to protect and conserve the various species of orchids and their environment, with a focus on the Amazon and the areas that surround it. We’ve so far worked alongside them on two separate occasions to translate scientific research documents from Spanish into English. May 2015.
Link to Association Pachacamac
- Health Media E.V
Founded in 2004, this German charity works on new ways to raise awareness on the social inclusion of people with disabilities and seeks to build on solidarity between those with and without disabilities. In April, we translated a song to be used by the organisation promoting inclusion and acceptance from German into English. April 2015.
- Fambul Tik e.V
Based in Hamburg, this German NGO is working in Sierra Leone to combat the long-lasting effects of the country’s civil war, with a focus on the children orphaned by the conflict, especially in the areas of education and human rights. Our first translation for the organisation was of a project report from English into German, April 2015.
Link to Fambul Tik e.V
Headquartered in Paris, this NGO is an international meeting place for Christian business leaders. Our first collaboration with the organisation involved translating a research document from French into English. April 2015.
- MMOD Murcia Open Design
The MMOD is an annual fashion, art and design festival celebrated in Murcia which aims to celebrate and promote the creative industry. Working together with the organisation for the first time, we translated a series of promotional material for the event. April 2015.
- Aide et Action International
This French NGO, founded in 2007, focuses on the development and implementation of educational projects in disadvantaged and developing countries both in Europe and worldwide. Our first large-scale project for the organisation involved translating a number of reports on education from French into English. April 2015.
Link to Aide et Action International
We’ve been working with this Belgian NGO since late 2012 and have since completed a number of translations between French, German, Spanish and English. April 2015.
Link to MMTC on Facebook
- Franjo Grotenhermen
Dr. Franjo Grotenhermen is a German doctor and cannabis activist. Since beginning work with Dr. Grotenhermen in early 2015, we’ve now translated two medical research documents from German into French regarding the use of cannabis in medicine. April 2015.
- Acción Familiar
We’ve collaborated with this Madrid-based NGO a number of times since 2011, most recently translating their annual activity report for 2014 from Spanish into English. March 2015.
Link to the organisation’s activity report in English
- Peace Direct
Peace Direct is an international NGO which supports local peace-building in conflict zones around the world. Beginning work in 2013, we’ve since completed a number of translations for the organisation in a number of formats, most commonly between English, German and French. March 2015.
Link to Peace Direct
- Sos Diritti Humani
In our first collaboration with this Italian NGO, we translated a number of reports on worldwide poverty and famine from Spanish into English for its “Alimentare la Vita” project. March 2015.
Link to Alimentare la Vita
- Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down (FCSD)
One of our longest-running partnerships, we often translate web content and reports from English into Spanish for this Barcelona-based NGO. March 2015.
Link to Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down
- Fundación Caíco
This NGO provides support to children and young people diagnosed with cancer, as well as their parents, families, friends and anyone else affected by the illness. In March 2015, we translated a number of patients’ testimonies detailing their experiences of treatment and therapy for a new section of their website.
Link to Adolescents and Young People with Cancer
- PopEi
PopEi is a meeting place in Eindhoven (Holland) dedicated to inspiring and encouraging people of all ages to pursue their musical interests, providing help and advice on everything from rehearsal venues to equipment maintenance and promotional material. We translated the initiative’s website from Dutch into English in March 2015.
Link to PopEi in Dutch and English
- Fundación Aldaba
This NGO, founded in 1999, aims to support the public social services system and guarantee the wellbeing of disadvantaged citizens in the Balearic Islands. Our first project for the organisation involved correcting and proofreading an appeal for supporters of its current activities. March 2015.
Link to Fundación Aldaba
- Reporters sans Frontieres
This international NGO based in Paris promotes and defends the right to freedom of information and freedom of the press. In our latest collaboration with the organisation, we translated a number of reports and meeting minutes from French into English. March 2015.
- Las Sin Carpa
“Enséñame Pero Bonito”, a documentary about alternative education projects in Latin America, is the work of NGO Las Sin Carpa. We provided translated subtitles for the film in English, Portuguese, German and French. March 2015.
Link to Enséñame Pero Bonito
- NCL (National Contest for Life)
This German NGO, founded in 2002, is dedicated to researching and raising awareness of the rare and deadly childhood dementia disease (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis). Having worked with the organisation since early 2014, we most recently translated a report on the condition from German into English. March 2015.
Link to NCL
- Research Institute for Waldorf Education
Founded in 1996, the Institute works to deepen and enhance the quality of Waldorf education and supports projects dealing with essential contemporary educational issues. Since 2012, we’ve translated a variety of texts for the Research Institute, most commonly between English and Spanish. February 2015.
Link to the Research Institute for Waldorf Education
- Red de Aarde
This NGO, founded by two Dutch teenagers, is dedicated to environmental awareness, protection and conservation. In our fourth collaboration since 2013, we translated a document containing information on the association’s ongoing campaigns from English into Italian, Russian, Greek and Spanish. February 2015.
Link to Red de Aarde
- 2éme Lieu
2éme Lieu is a French non-profit organisation which seeks to promote independent cultural centres and support the exchange of ideas between cultural managers. Up to now, we’ve translated and subtitled three videos for the NGO, all from Spanish into English. February 2015.
Link to two of the organisation’s videos in English of 2éme Lieu and 2éme Lieu
- CartONG
Founded in 2006, this French non-governmental organisation is committed to furthering the use of geographic IT tools to improve data collection and analysis for emergency relief and development programmes around the world. In February 2015, we translated the NGO’s annual report from English into French.
Link to the organisation’s annual report in French
- Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas (RIE)
The RIE is the network responsible for connecting ecovillages throughout Spain and Portugal and managing projects which may lead to the creation of new ecovillages. In February 2015, PerMondo volunteers translated a PDF brochure from Spanish into English, French, German, Russian and Portuguese.
- Bauerndoerfer im Kongo
This Swiss organisation, in partnership with the Congolese NGO Les Paysans de Payi-Kongila, is working to reduce poverty in some of Congo’s poorest villages and towns. Since beginning work with the organisation in 2014, we’ve translated a number of their reports from French into German for the website of their African partner. February 2015.
Link to Les paysans de Payi-Kongila
- Youthinkgreen (Jugend denkt um.welt e.V.)
Youthinkgreen is a German NGO based in Berlin. Following our first collaboration in December 2011, we’ve translated documents between several languages, including English, German, Spanish and French. The most recent translation we did was of a report on school infrastructure in New Zealand, from English into German. February 2015.
Link to Youthinkgreen
- L.E. Lupus Foundation
In our first collaboration with this American NGO, whose aim is to lead the fight against lupus, we translated a brochure from English into Spanish. February 2015.
- Fundación Manantial
Fundación Manantial is an NGO which provides comprehensive care to people with serious mental disorders and fights for their rehabilitation, integration and social acceptance. Since 2013, we’ve translated several documents between English and Spanish, most recently in February 2015.
- Unión Romaní
Unión Romaní is a Spanish organisation which aims to defend the gypsy community and raise awareness on gypsy culture. Beginning work with them in 2011, we’ve since translated a variety of documents and web-based content from Spanish into English, most recently a news article in February 2015.
Link to Unión Romaní
- Fondazione ANT Onlus
Fondazione ANT is a leading Italian NGO working in the field of palliative care and pain management. In January 2015, we translated the transcript of a TV programme from Italian into English.
Link to Fondazione ANT Onlus on Facebook
- Social Progress Imperative
The Social Progress Imperative is working to change the way we solve the world’s most pressing challenges by redefining how society defines success. In January 2015, we transcribed, translated and subtitled a video of a talk at a TED conference from English into Catalan.
Founded in 1979, the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) is an NGO which aims to defend and promote human rights and the right to asylum. We’ve been providing the organisation with translations from Spanish into English since 2013. Most recently, we translated part of a book from English into Spanish in January 2015.
Link to CEAR
- Prison Fellowship Switzerland
Prison Fellowship Switzerland is a Christian voluntary association belonging to the international NGO Prison Fellowship International. After beginning work with them in December 2014, we’ve since translated a variety of web content from English into German, French and Italian. January 2015.
Link to Prison Fellowship Switzerland in Italian, German and French
- National Down Syndrome Congress
In one of our most well-established and longstanding collaborations, we continue to provide translations on a weekly basis for this American NGO. We’ve translated a number of articles from English into Spanish, which we’re told have been highly appreciated by the Spanish-speaking audience seeking help and support from the organisation. January 2015.
- PerMondo
We often require translations of articles into different languages for our articles section. If you are interested in taking part, let us know and we’ll surely be able to find something for you. Have a look at this section and let us know what you’re interested in.