There is surely no other way to start this week’s blog than by addressing the major news of the past couple of weeks- after months of debate and speculation, the big contest finally arrived. And against all the odds, the bold, well-organised, and more likeable challenger was overcome by a wealthy, spoilt, and well-groomed opponent. Of course, I’m talking aboutContinue Reading
Five days, five countries
Welcome to our latest blog! It was the ancient Greek philosopher Seneca who once said that “Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind”. Well this quote couldn’t have been more appropriate for us at PerMondo this week, as we have finished projects for organisations in five different countries! I hope you’ve got your passport, suitcase and travel mug at hand, because you’re about to go all over Europe!Continue Reading
PerMondo’s Voluntary Interpreter for ICYCW in Seoul
Author: Pauline Junca
This year, whilst I was completing an internship in Mondo Agit’s Madrid offices, I came across an unexpected opportunity- but before I get ahead of myself, let me explain a bit more about it Continue Reading
Keeping Warm
Welcome to our first PerMondo update of October!
Hi! I´m Matt, PerMondo’s latest intern and, following Thomas’s departure, I will be keeping you company over the coming few months!
So, here we are: as September 2016 came to a close last week, we prepare to say goodbye to the blistering summer heat of the past few months and begin rummaging around our wardrobes for our sweaters! Fortunately, we’re still enjoying some warmth here in Spain, and at PerMondo our brain power has kept us extra warm after a very busy week! This week we’ve had the privilege of working with many new volunteers on a great variety of projects Continue Reading