The World Movement of Christian Workers is present in four continents and was set up in 1966 to promote the interest of all workers according to traditional Christian values and as a further education programme. This time, it was their headquarters in Germany that required the translation of documents into Spanish and English in order to keep spreading the word. Late December, 2014.
- Prison Fellowship Switzerland
A new collaboration has been set up between this Swiss NGO and PerMondo. In December, we started to support the organisation's work with prisoners and ex-prisoners through local churches and thousands of volunteers, in order to transform their relationship with God and their communities. We carried out the translation of their web content from English into German, French and Italian. December 2014.
- NCL-Stiftung
This NGO's main commitment is to fight the rare disease called NCL (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis/Batten Disease), which they effectively address through research and helping the affected children and their families. The annual report of the company, essential for partners’ information, needed to be translated from German into English during the last few weeks of December, 2014.
- Global Ecovillage Network – Europe
This is the international office of “Ecoaldeas”, with whom we had collaborated previously. Their main vision is to achieve sustainable living and spread solidarity in our communities. This time they needed a translation from German into English of approximately 4,000 words. December 2014.
- Cultural Planet
This non-profit organisation aims to promote multiculturalism, breaking down walls between cultures and making people embrace tolerance. PerMondo supported this initiative with the translation from Spanish into English of a dossier about their work in November 2014.
- Association APACHE
Translation and subtitling of a number videos from English into French for this organisation that works for the wellbeing of children during and after hospitalisation, during which psychological support often proves to be essential. November 2014.
- Fundación Adsis
This is the first time we've helped this NGO with an article from Spanish into English. The NGO fights for a better world, with particular emphasis on the involvement of young people. October 2014.
Link to Fundación Adsis
- Igaxes3
Igaxes3 promotes the empowerment and participation of people at risk of social exclusion, performing all kinds of projects in this field. This Galician NGO requested the translation of their website into English in an effort to expand their horizons and reach people in need. October 2014.
Link to Igaxes3
- Dédalo
Spanish foundation for the promotion and development of information on citizenship, business, entrepreneurship and organisations. We translated an interesting book for them on gamification in education in October 2014.
- Marijke Foundation
This is an international Dutch NGO acting as the main researcher in the early recognition and diagnosis of rare diseases and has developed diagnosis tools such as the Symptomatrix. This organisation relies purely on donations, and PerMondo has helped it with the translation of some of their web content that needed to be published in Spanish. October 2014.
Link to Marijke Foundation
- Associació Persones Saharauis
This Catalan association provides direct aid to disabled Saharawi people in refugee camps. They provide medical assistance, food supplies and basic commodities in order to improve their living conditions, as well educating parents and professionals to cater for people's needs. PerMondo is proud to have contributed to the cause by translating their webpage from Spanish into English. October 2014.
- Nepra e.V.
Nepra supports people who have been affected or suffer from leprosy in Nepal, where over 3,000 people contracted the disease in 2011 alone. Their efforts are focused on the control of the disease and caring for the sick. Donations are essential for the organisation to keep working, and we helped them translate the forms for new members and donations into English in October 2014, hoping this could help them to raise new funds.
- Coordination SUD
This French organisation, which coordinates national solidarity NGOs in France (bringing together more than 140 different NGOs), focuses on humanitarian urgencies, development, environmental protection and many other issues. The translation from French into English of a 6,500-word document was commissioned to PerMondo on behalf of the organisation in October 2014.
- Fundación ADSIS
PerMondo has always supported the wonderful work of this NGO, and we're always willing to help with the translations they need. In October 2014, they required a document to be translated from Spanish into English, and we will continue to collaborate with them in 2015.
Link to Fundación ADSIS
- Butterfly Onlus
This is an Italian non-profit organisation created in 2002 by Claudio Maneri in order to help all people going through difficult times. We translated a number of documents for this wonderful initiative from Italian into English. October 2014.
Link to Butterfly Onlus
- Ekoenergy
In their promotion of the use of sustainable energy, this organisation has already gathered more than 34 different European organisations. This internationalisation requires the translation of their content into a variety of languages. This time, they asked for the translation of English content into Galician and Basque. October 2014.
Link to Ekoenergy in Galician
Link to Ekoenergy in Basque
This is an ongoing relationship. We're currently translating a set of articles from Portuguese into German, English, French and Spanish. But whenever they need our help with translations, we try to help out.
- Prosec Promotora Social
This was our first collaboration with this NGO that helps vulnerable groups in the social, educational, training and work spheres. We helped to translate their website from Spanish into English (around 4,000 words).
Link to Prosec
- Coordinación internacional de la JOC
This is the Spanish headquarters of the YCW, the Young Christian Workers, an organisation that helps young workers to live with dignity and to develop as Christian leaders with an active role in society. Their 2013 activity report, a requirement for every NGO, was translated by PerMondo from English into French and Spanish in September 2014.
- ASDE Scouts de España
This internationally-known organisation doesn't need an introduction. Their office in Spain required the translation from English into Spanish of a report of almost 5,000 words that was to be posted on their Facebook page.
Link to Facebook site of ASDE
- Fian Belgique
This wasn't our first collaboration. This time, we translated about 20,000 words from French into Dutch in August 2014.
Here is another example of a translation for them: link to Fian Belgique.
- Peace Direct
This peace-building NGO operates worldwide and we help them to translate whatever is needed. We've helped them out so many times and normally the translations are published on their website, Insight on Conflict.
Link to Insight on Conflict
- INKOTA-Netzwerk e.V.
It's not the first time that we've translated something for this German NGO. This time, we translated a text of about 8,000 words from German into English.
Link to INKOTA-Netzwerk
- United Action For Children
This NGO from Cameroon contacted us recently and we decided to help them to translate their website. For now, we've started to translate it from English into Spanish, but more languages could follow. On our list is German, Italian and maybe French.
- Research Institute of Waldorf Education
This was our 5th project of translating whole books for this Institute. The latest book had about 50,000 words and was translated from English into Spanish in October 2014.
- Fundación CRAM
This new NGO asked for our help to translate their website from Spanish into English. This was a huge project, as there was a total of about 40,000 words to translate. October-November 2014.
- National Down Syndrome Congress
The first translations we did for this NGO were around January 2014. Since then, we translate for them every week. This important NGO from the United States helps families with children with Down's Syndrome. We usually translate from English into Spanish so they can also help Spanish speaking families. We have also carried out other translations and even subtitling for them.
Example of a recent translation for NDSC
Example of subtitling for NDSC
- Reporters sans frontières (Reporters without borders)
We'd already translated for RWB and this time we translated important tools into Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic. The original texts were in English and French.
- PerMondo
Translation of articles for the articles section. If you are interested in helping, let us know and we'll find something for you. Have a look at this section and let us know what you're interested in.
- Cultural Planet
This not-for-profit organisation aims to bring together people from different cultures and places to create a more plural, tolerant society. For their project "Recmondo", children from all over the world filmed their daily lives.
We'd already helped them with some translations last year and now we're helping again with Spanish to English and French translations.
Link to Recmondo
- Care and Development of Children
This South African NGO aims to provide developmental and educational opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds by becoming a strategic partner to Social Development Agencies, thus empowering the children to become responsible citizens. New translation from English into German. January 2014.
Link to Care and Development of Children
- Developing Minds Foundation
This American non-profit organisation builds schools and supports education programmes in areas affected by violence and poverty. We will be helping them to translate some documents into Spanish, but before that, we have been commissioned to do a copywriting of the original text in English. January-March 2014.
Link to Developing Minds Foundation
- Objectif Sciences International
This non-profit association organises scientific holiday camps for children and teenagers. These camps serve as entertainment and a learning environment for children and teenagers and are supervised by qualified and motivated scientists and teachers who assure enriching and unique experiences. Thanks to one of our Japanese volunteers, we translated some documents into Japanese. January 2014.
- Fondazione AVSI
Fondazione AVSI, founded in Italy in 1972, is involved in more than 100 projects in developing countries across the world, working in fields including education, healthcare and labour. It helps people according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, recognising that every person has their own value and dignity. We recently worked on different translations for them and are now translating four more documents from Spanish into Italian. January 2014.
Link to AVSI
- Amigos de la Tierra
This Spanish NGO collaborates with a European renewable energy project (http://www.communitypower.eu/en/), so we were asked to translate a summary of the website's contents into Spanish. January 2014.
- La voz del viento
The name of this NGO, meaning "The Voice of the Wind" released a poetic documentary called "The Voice of the Wind - Seeds of Transition". We're now working on a translation from English into Spanish of the summary of Masanobu Fukuoka's travels, called "Sowing Seeds in the Desert". January 2014.
- Peace Direct
We are working with Peace Direct on a regular basis in order to assist them to build peace in local conflicts. This time we are translating a document about Colombian organisations from English into Spanish. January 2014.
Link to Peace Direct
- Union Francophone pour les Cannabinoides en Médecines (UFCM)
The objective of this association, founded in Luxembourg in June 2010, is to provide information and support scientific research into the uses of cannabis and its derivatives in herbal medicine. It also aims to facilitate the exchange of information between researchers, doctors and patients and to collaborate with similar national and international organisations in order to bring about changes to the legal framework and administrative practices regulating the distribution, importation and production of cannabis-based products for medicinal purposes.
In 2013, we helped them translate a large report; this time we were commissioned a transcription from different videos in English.
- Collaboration with Université Rennes 2
A new, exciting venture for PerMondo saw us collaborating with the Centre for Translators-localisers, Terminologists and Technical Writers (CFTTR) at Université Rennes 2. Six English-to-French and four German-to-French translation students will each be translating 4,000 words a month between December and March. So far, the students are working on the current projects for eQualit.ie and youthinkgreen, as well as one for Peace Direct, an NGO that aims to build peace in local conflicts.
- eQualit.ie
eQualit.ie is a not-for-profit organisation that provides digital security and information management expertise to organised civil society and independent media organisations. The NGO was founded in 2006 to support activists and human rights defenders to get the most out of digital services, especially in hostile internet environments. We're currently translating our first texts for the organisation from English into French and Spanish.
- Research Institute of Waldorf Education
We're undertaking our third project this year for the Research Institute of Waldorf Education, a translation of the book “Home Away From Home” from English into Spanish. This is an extensive project of almost 70,000 words, which we hope to complete over the next couple of months.
Link to the Online Waldorf Library
- "La libertad tiene un precio"
In our continued efforts to publish a range of interesting features on the PerMondo website, one of our volunteers is currently translating this article from Spanish into German. Freedom has a price, claims Jorge Pérez Montes, in this essay on problems of democracy in practice, freedom vs. the State and potential solutions found in liberalism. The three parts are available in Spanish on the PerMondo website. October 2013. Link to the article part I, part II and part III.
Translation from English into French.
- Action Contre la Faim
Translation from French into English.
- FDCL (Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika e.V.)
Website translation from German into English, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Fairstep
Translation from German into Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese.
Link to Fairstep
- Ecoaldeas
Translation from German into Spanish.
- Fundació Catalana Síndrome Down
Translation from Spanish into English.
Link to FCSD
- EkoConnect
Translation from English and German into Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Russian.
Example translation: Link to PDF from EkoConnect
- Bauerndoerfer im Kongo
Translation of a whole website, created in Africa with the support of Bauerndörfer im Kongo. Mainly translations done from French into German. Start: June 2014 until December 2014.
Link to the translated website: www.sos-forets.cd
- Fundación Soñar Despierto
Translation of website for this NGO from Spanish into English. June 2014.
Link to Fundación Soñar Despierto
- Youth Future Project
A new project for this German NGO. We needed to translate a short article from German into English. June 2014.
Link to Youth Future Project
- Allianz Eliant
This initiative for the support of freedom of choice in Europe and the promotion of a better quality of life required the Spanish translation of most of its website content, willing to reach out to a wider public. June 2014.
- Fundación Soñar Despierto
For more than 14 years, this organisation has been fighting for the social integration of children and young adults, providing them with a wide range of services in order to improve their wellbeing and opportunities in life. We showed out support by translating their website from Spanish into English in June 2014.
Link to Fundación Soñar Despierto
- Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika
We've translated their website into English, among other work.
Link to FDCL
- Acción Familiar
NGO that works for families in Spain in two different areas: through direct action such as guidance and education, and through research. They strive to improve the family's role in our society, committing to families in risk of exclusion. PerMondo collaborated with this association by carrying out the translation of their Activities Report of 5,000 words from Spanish into English in May 2014.
Link to Acción Familiar
- Únete al planeta
We translated a number of documents from Spanish into English in May 2014 for this Spanish environmental organisation which focuses on raising awareness through different media projects.
- NaCoZo
As a non-profit initiative, NaCoZo supports and promotes the recognition of natural medicine and health care and complementary medicine. PerMondo translated around 3,000 words for them from Dutch into French, English and German in May 2014.
- Fundación Catalana Síndrome de Down
As usual, our ongoing collaboration involves translations from Spanish into English, such as the following:
Link to FCSD
- NCL-Stiftung
Website translation from German into English.
- Acción contra la Hambre
We've been working with ACH for many years and this time we helped with another translation of documents from Spanish into English.
Link to ACH
- World Vision
This was a new collaboration with World Vision which involved us translating a newsletter from English into Spanish.
Link to World Vision
- Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika
We've translated their website into Spanish, among other work. March 2014.
Link to FDCL
- Research Institute for Waldorf Education
This research institute has been deepening and enhancing the quality of Waldorf education since 1996, bringing together educators, psychologists and doctors to create a wider movement around the education of children and adolescents. Given the growing interest in this area in the Spanish speaking community, we translated a book on this issue for them in March 2014.
- Fairstep
We translated the website and different articles for this European initiative from German into Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. March 2014 and ongoing.
Link to Fairstep
- Solidarité Laïque
This France-based NGO, formed by more than 51 organisations, defends the fundamental rights and battles against exclusion. They commissioned us the translation of some of their content from French into Romanian and Bulgarian in March 2014.
- Ecoaldeas
Translation of a PDF brochure from German into Spanish. March 2014.
- National Down Syndrome Congress
Website and article translation from English into Spanish. Ongoing collaboration. January until now.
- Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika
We translated their website into Portuguese, among other work. March 2014.
Link to FDCL
- EkoConnect
Translation from German and mainly English into Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Lithuanian and Russian of parts of their website and articles. February - March 2014.
Association from El Salvador founded in 2008 in order to respond to the growing needs of trans women, who joined together to represent, defend and promote the human rights and interests of their community. PerMondo was in charge of translating two documents of almost 30,000 words from Spanish into English, collaborating with the NGO in their development and legal establishment. June 2014
- COGAJ – Coalición Global de Jóvenes TIBLQG
This organisation, which addresses the young LGTB community all over the world, seeks to reach the population between 14-35 years old and communicate with them about the reality of this community in the different countries, as well as providing information in all related issues, such as AIDS/ HIV, sexual education and health, human rights and identity. Wanting to spread the word, they asked us for a translation from Spanish into English in April 2014.
- Federación Autismo Madrid
In their quest to improve the quality of life of people with autism and their families in Madrid, this non-profit organisation contacted us for the translation of a document of approximately 19,000 words from Spanish into English in April 2014.
- Vétérinaires Sans Frontières
We translated almost 6,000 words from English into French for this NGO, whose actions are not limited to the protection and health of animals, but include the promotion of health and peace, the improvement of living conditions, the integration of women and the protection of nature, among others. Translation provided in April.
- Gemeindeklinik Burkina
Private organisation formed by different professionals who work to improve the living conditions of the people of Burkina Faso through collaboration in a community hospital. We were asked to translate the documents for the construction of a clinic from German into French which were to be sent to the respective authorities in Germany and Burkina Faso. March 2014.
- Calala Fondo de Mujeres
This feminist organisation based in Spain fights for the rights, participation and empowerment of women specially in Latin America and the Caribbean. We were proud and happy to help them with an interpretation service from French into Spanish carried out in Barcelona, within one of their many pro-rights events during three days in March 2014.
- Red de Aarde
This organisation was founded by the young siblings Tim and Ivi Huijsmans in their efforts to improve the environment and conserve the animal world. In their crusade to help nature, they commissioned us the translation of their web content and other texts from Dutch into several languages, such as English, Portuguese and German, in order to reach a wider public and spread their values. March 2014.
- Coordination Sud
Translation of documents from German into French for this French NGO.
- Unión Romaní
Spanish organisation that fights for the rights and non-discrimination of the Roma community, assisting them in a variety of issues. As they are member of the National Romani Union, they constantly need translations of their content from Spanish into English. Feburary 2014.
Link to Unión Romaní
- Jugend denkt um.wet – youthinkgreen
Huge project for this German NGO. Transcriptions, subtitling and translations from German into French and Spanish. January-April 2014.
Link to youthinkgreen
- Union Francophone pour les Cannabinoïdes en Médecine (UFCM)
Translation of documents from English into French.
- SALEM International
We carried out the translation of three documents from German into French for this non-profit organisation that works in Germany and the rest of the world with projects that include social development, respect for the environment and animal protection. March 2015.
Link to SALEM
- Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO)
Fair Trade Advocacy Office is part of the Fairtrade International, the World Fair Trade Organisation-Europe and the European Fair Trade Association. Together they aim to improve the lives of workers and producers in marginalised areas.
This time, we supported this initiative with a free translation from English into French. January 2014.
- Fair Trade – Sello Comercio Justo
This Spanish association works to ensure that producers and workers in Third World countries receive a fair price for their labour and encourages consumers to purchase fair trade products in order to bring about positive change in trading relationships. Generally, we translate into Spanish for them, but as a new website in Portuguese was about to be released, we started a collaboration on translations from Spanish into Portuguese. January 2014.
- Misalisa
NGO from Stuttgart that works in the Democratic Republic of Congo improving the opportunities of the population to help themselves rebuild their lives and society after the terrible wars of the past decades. This project involved a translation from German into French. January 2014.
- Peace Direct
This wasn't the first time we'd collaborated with this London-based NGO, whose aim is to build peace in local conflicts. This time, we translated a document about Burundian organisations from English into French. January 2014.
Link to Peace Direct (Insight on Conflict)
Translation of documents from Portuguese into Italian. January 2014
Link to AVSI