This week, we at PerMondo were delighted to provide our translation services to a new organisation: the Verdi Stiftung.
The Internationale Giuseppe Verdi Stiftung, founded in 2007, is a nonprofit foundation which is recognised in several European countries. Its most important objective is to make the legacy of the great composer, Giuseppe Verdi (1813 – 1901), available to everyone interested and to conserve it for future generations… Furthermore, the foundation is striving towards the founding of an International Verdi Professorship and several other Verdi-oriented projects, such as making the composer’s entire letter correspondence available in other languages apart from just Italian. Anyone who feels a calling to get involved in any way – and that applies particularly to students – is warmly invited to get in touch with the foundation.
We have firstly been asked to translate several parts of the organisation’s website from German into English and Italian. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to work in harmony with such a good cause and have already found some enthusiastic translator-music lovers to lend us a hand with this rather interesting project.
We’re continuing to help out the National Down Syndrome Congress with our translations. This week, we successfully delivered a number of article translations for the foundation. The first set of translations that we managed to complete were 1427 words long: We owe a big thank-you to Tania Domínguez Quelle for her brilliant translations and to Gema Arce Raya for her diligent proofreading!
Our collaboration with this wonderful organisation continues to go from strength to strength, as we have been able to provide Linda with even more translations. The second set of documents was quite a lot bigger – 3242 words – and so we decided to split the task up a bit more between our very helpful volunteers: On this occasion, we enjoyed the invaluable help of Ana Jiménez Melero and Ana Martín Mercader, whose translations were kindly proofread by Carolina Bermejo and Micaela Cappuccino. Week look forward to continuing our teamwork with the National Down Syndrome congress throughout March and beyond!
This week, we also managed to provide Fondazione Butterfly onlus with two translations, one from Italian into English and another from Italian into German, of a brochure about a sponsored cycling event in Ethiopia to help raise money to build a school. We’d like to thank Amy Hillam and Anja Manthey for their translations, and Thomas McGuinn and Verena Müller for proofreading the translations. If you’d like to help out this great cause or even take part in the sponsored event, you can find out more information on their website!
We look forward to delivering all of the translations that we’re currently working on, welcoming even more new charities and keeping you updated on our progress!
See you soon!
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Thank you! It’s a pleasure for me!