- Rete Pace per il Congo
Peace for Congo Network consists of a group of Italian missionaries and laypeople who lived in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, witnessing the tragedy firsthand. The NGO works to raise awareness of the Congolese tragedy and urges authorities to make decisions that will benefit the country. For more newsletters and information in English and Spanish about the Congo conflict, go to their website. Below are a few examples:
- Link to Rete Pace per il Congo, newsletter number 194
- Link to Rete Pace per il Congo, newsletter number 195
- Link to Rete Pace per il Congo, newsletter number 196
- SPLAN – Spanish Planet Language
Spanish Planet Language is a new NGO which acts as a cultural and linguistic association. The organisation promotes the teaching of Spanish as a second language and encourages the use of Spanish among native speakers. The NGO largely seeks to lend its services to foreigners living in Spain, hoping to start by translating its website into English, Chinese, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese. We are still looking for a volunteer to translate from Spanish or English into Chinese, so do get in touch if you would be interested in collaborating on this project. However, the English version has been translated by our volunteers and will be available online within the next few months. December 2013.
- Unión Romaní
Unión Romaní combats racism and discrimination against the gypsy community while preserving and promoting the culture of its members. The Spanish Unión Romaní is based in Barcelona and is made up of a Federation of gypsy associations throughout Spain. This NGO seeks to raise awareness of the gypsy people and does so with the help of the Internation Unión Romaní. One of our volunteers at PerMondo has just completed a translation from Spanish into English for this NGO. November 2013.
Click here to read this translation we did for Unión Romaní of an article about Nelson Mandela, also into English, for Unión Romaní. December 2013.
- Fundación Música Abierta
This Spanish NGO works to increase the availability of musical activities to people with physical, cognitive or sensory disabilities and to encourage their participation. Our volunteers at PerMondo have recently translated the organisation’s latest news articles from Spanish into English, German, Italian and Portuguese. November 2013.
- COGAJ (Coalición Global de Jóvenes TIBQLG)
COGAJ is global movement which is led by young TIBLQG people (transgender, transexual, intersexual, bisexual, queer, lesbian, gay) hailing from Latin America,the Caribbean, North America, Africa, Europe and Oceania. The organisation aims to raise awareness of sexual diversity on an international scale. The NGO is committed to improving policies and programmes aimed at defending and guaranteeing the rights of TIBLQG people. One of our volunteers at PerMondo performed a translation from Spanish into English of information for the website of the Translatina Network, one of COGAJ’s main partners. November and August 2013.
- ¿Qué es Bitcoin? – Un camino no recorrido
This PerMondo article is about the use of electronic coins to carry out online transactions and explores themes of security and privacy, discussing the possible implications of a decentralised currency. In November 2013 we translated the bitcoin article into English in addition to other languages like German (Link to Bitcoin article in German), French (link to bitcoin article in French) and Portuguese (Link to Bitcoin article in Portuguese).
- Coordination Sud
This national organisation strives for international solidarity by uniting over 130 French NGOs. Their work involves development aid, environmental protection and defence of human rights. Some of our projects for this NGO are the following:
November 2013: One of our PerMondo volunteers translated a 1,300-word document from French into English.
August 2013: Over 12.000 words have been translated from French into English and Spanish.
January 2013: We are helping them with translations into English for meetings in Delhi, India.
February 2013: New translations into English for this organisation.
All year round: Several articles from English into two languages: Spanish and French.
- Mujer Frontera
Mujer Frontera is an NGO founded by women from all over the world, many of whom were victims of trafficking themselves. The NGO seeksto raise awareness of, and combat,human trafficking. Many of the women involved have contributed to the NGO’s guide to the issue of human trafficking. We have translated thus guide from Spanish into Portuguese. Our volunteers have also translated 8 shorter documents from Spanish into English. October – November 2013.
- Fundación Why Not
“Some look at things that are and ask, ‘why?’; but I dream of things that never were and ask, ‘why not?'” – George Bernard Shaw
Fundación Why Not seeks to help people with mental illnesses and improve their quality of life by focusing on provisions for their leisure and free time. The NGO provides different therapies, including creative, sporting and social therapies, as well as helping to reintegrate people into daily life. We have recently translated their website from Spanish into English, allowing them to reach a wider readership and increasing awareness about mental health support. October 2013.
Link to Fundación Why Not's website
- Acción Contra el Hambre
We performed another translation for this important NGO, whose main goals include combating malnutrition and providing healthy living conditions and water supplies to those in need. A team of volunteers have worked together to translate several documents from Spanish into English, amounting to over 12,000 words. October 2013. We also helped to translate a 2,600-word document from Spanish into English in September 2013 and 2 other documents from Spanish into English and French (27300 and 4500 words) in August 2013.
- Fundación Catalana Síndrome de Down
This Catalan charity was founded with the main objective of gaining a better understanding of Down Syndrome through research and practical work and supporting both people with DS and their families from birth till adulthood. In our most recent collaboration with the NGO, we translated 5 news articles, set to appear the foundation’s website, from Spanish into English . Among these was a report on a protest against government cuts to one of the programmes supported by FCSD, the Independent Living Support Service. October 2013.
- WMCW (World Movement of Christian Workers)
WMCW consists of 50 organisations on 4 continents, all working to improve the living conditions of workers and their families, while promoting solidarity and encouraging its members to actively participate in social change. They want to ensure that everyone has access to decent work and dignity in their job, in a fair, fraternal and sustainable society. We have recently translated a document from Spanish into English and German. September 2013. Our PerMondo volunteers also translated a document from English into Spanish. December 2013. Basically, since then we are translating many articles on a regular basis from and into Spanish, English, German and French.
- Red de Aarde
Red de Aarde is an NGO that works to protect the environment,also operating in the field of animal and nature conservation. In between fundraising, this NGO also carries out recycling and energy-saving campaigns to promote the preservation of the planet. We have helped to translate their website from Dutch into French, German, English and Spanish. September 2013.
- Solthis: Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives against HIV/AIDS
Solthis is an international medical organisation for people living with HIV / AIDS in developing countries. The Paris-based NGO seeks to strengthen the healthcare system in the countries where it operates, allowing them to provide quality medical care that is accessible and sustainable. We have just translated a report on the organisation’s work in 2012 from French into English. August 2013.
- INKOTA-netzwerk e.V.
INKOTA is an NGO which consists of different people and groups that work together towards a fairer world. We hope that by helping INKOTA to translate its German website into English, their message will reach more people. August 2013.
In order to reach an even wider public, we have translated the court documents into French and English as well. July-August 2013.
Finally we also translated some documents into Portuguese (Link to INKOTA).
- EkoConnect e.V.
This Germany-based NGO is an International Centre for Organic Agriculture of Central and Eastern Europe and promotes everything related to organic agriculture,offering a network to exchange information. We helped this NGO to translate documents into English in addition to other languages. August 2013.
Link to newsletter number 32 from EkoConnect
- Peace Direct
This important London-based NGO aims to build peace in any local conflict. Peace Direct is convinced that local peacebuilders can make a difference in their own environment and that they can build a better future. We have helped to translate the general conditions for the site Insight on Conflict, created by Peace Direct.
We recently lent them our services again, translating 3 documents from French into English. Although it was an urgent project, we were able to complete all the translations on time. August 2013.
We helped this NGO by translating another bulletin in July 2013 into Spanish and French.
Link to Peace Direct' Bulletin in Spanish.
Link to Peace Direct' Bulletin in French
- Netzwerk INTEGRA
INTEGRA consists of 29 organisations, all based in Germany, working together to ban female genital mutiliation. In our first collaborative effort, we have translated part of a legal case from Spanish into German.
We hope that by translating the court documents into English and French, their message will reach a greater readership. July 2013.
- Hoqook
We are collaborating again with this Egyptian NGO by translating other articles from Arabic into English. Seeing as this is a rare language combination, we had to use Spanish as “translation bridge”. If you are an AR-EN translator and are interested in taking on projects for this NGO in the future, do get in touch with us. June 2013 and July 2013.
- Link to Hoqook (article August)
- Link to Hoqook (article July)
- Link to Hoqook (article June)
- Izas, la princesa guisante
Izas was diagnosed with gliomatosis cerebri when she was 3 years old. Since this form of cancer is untreatable, there was no hope for her. This organisation was established by Izas´mother with the objective of drawing attention to this rare, fatal disease so that other children may be able to survive it in the future. The campaign promotes research, donation of tissue and,in general, an increased awareness of the disease in the medical community and amongfamilies and society as a whole. We have been translating their website from Spanish into English and French, with the help of our volunteers.
Link to Izas, la princesa guisante
- Fondazione Butterfly
This Italian NGO was founded in 2002 and has 3 main missions: constructing school facilities, supplying clean water through the construction of wells and building clinics and medical facilities. We are currently translating an article for them from Italian into English.
- Cultural Planet
The main aim of this not-for-profit organisation is to bring together people of different cultures and places to create a more plural and tolerant society.
May 2013: We have helped them with the translation of an article from Spanish into English and French.
January 2013: We helped them by translating their website from Spanish into English and French.
February 2013: We helped this NGO again with translation from Spanish into English and French.
- Acción Familiar
This Spanish association aims to promote the family and provide help in the form of direct activities that foster family ties, which are essential for the development of the person and society.
As in previous years, we have translated from Spanish into English the "Activity Report 2012" of the NGO. May 2013.
- Mujer Frontera
Mujer Frontera is an international project that works to raise awareness of, and combat, human trafficking. We are currently translating from Spanish into English and French a 7000 word guide to the issue of human trafficking, written by victims of trafficking. May 2013.
- Médicos Sin Marca
Médicos Sin Marca consists of a group of Chilean medics who are campaigning for responsable clinical practice. The NGO is free from the influence of propaganda and is not swayed by the incentives of the pharmaceutical and medical technology industries. We are currently translating an article of theirs called “La extinción del niño sano”, from Spanish into English. May 2013.
- Fundación Manantial
Fundación Manantial works to ensure that those suffering from serious mental disorders are socially accepted, rehabilitated and integrated. We have just finished translating 2 documents from Spanish into English. May 2013.
We have helped with a new translation of an article from English into Spanish. April 2013. In the following months, we also translated several articles into English and Spanish.
- Jugend denkt um.welt (JDUW)
By encouraging active participation in climate change campaigns and initiatives and incorporating youth groups from 12 different countries worldwide, JDUW hopes to inspire young people to ´think green.´ PerMondo translated several CVs from German into English for this NGO. April 2013.
- CEAR (Comision Española de Ayuda al Refugiado)
This is not the first time that we have collaborated with the Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance.
April 2013: We helped to translate 2 CVs from Spanish into English.
Link to CEAR
- Amici di Adwa
This is not the first time that we have worked with this Italian NGO and we lent them our services again. Amici di Adwa was founded in 1996 and works to sends aid to and sponsor children in Ethiopia, a country shattered by years of war.
Its work involves:
- Selecting, providing information to and teaching volunteers.
- Providing materials to the mission.
- Establishing relationships with similar organisations.
March 2013: We translated a short article from Italian into English.
- Fundación Toma de Mi
The Toma de Mi Foundation manages all kinds of goods considered basic necessities, such as, food, clothes and educational tools, social reinsertion and access to decent housing. They then distribute these goods to those most in need.
We helped this NGO to translate its website into English.
- Hola Ghana ONGD
Hola Ghana is an NGO that provides the most disadvantaged children with access to education in order to improve their prospects.
March 2013: We began collaborating with Hola Ghana; initially by translating its website from Spanish into English.
- IDO France
IDO-France is an association affiliated with the Union for the International Language (ULI); it aims to develop and promote the international auxiliary language Ido.
February 2013: We translated a 7882-word project from French into English about the “sittings and orders of business of the academy of moral and political science”.
- ASDE Scouts de España
ASDE Scouts de España is, as the name suggests, the Spanish branch of the worldwide youth movement. It works towards a better and fairer world in which care for the environment, respect for human rights and understanding between people and places are a reality.
January 2013: We collaborated with this association again, translating a document from Spanish into English.
- AMDES Nicaragua
The Multidisciplinary Association for Development in Nicaragua promotes active participation within communities through the use of collective learning and democratic practices. Through this, the NGO empowers the community and is able respond to problems of vulnerable sectors in society. One of AMDES’ collaborators, the Irish NGO Trocaire, recently completed a 12,000-word report on female participation in politics in the municipality of Posoltega. One of our volunteers has also translated this report from English into Spanish so that it can be shared with the team in Nicaragua. November 2013.
- Asociación Divulgación Fibromialgia
Asociación Divulgación Fibromialgia is a not-for-profit organisation that supports scientific research about fibromyalgia, a condition that causes widespread pain all over the body along with extreme fatigue. The organisation provides information about the condition and offers an exercise guide, created by its members, for those affected. One of our volunteers has translated 5 medical texts including abstracts of scientific studies (2,100 words in total) from English into Spanish. September 2013.
Link to Asociación Divulgación Fibromialgia
- Together It's Possible
Together It’s Possible is a reference point for all initiatives working towards a fairer society. The NGO is fighting against the injustice of the international financial system and the corruption and economic mayhem it has produced. We have recently translated a series of videos in French, German and English which were transcribed for us by native volunteers. Another team of volunteers translated the speech and helped to create subtitles in Spanish. September 2013.
- Immocom Berlin
In this recent project, we translated a study conducted by the German scientist, Dr. Martin H. Virnich. His research work focuses on the effects the modern environment (e.g. technological advances, new construction materials etc.) on public health. This particular article tackles the controversial theme of mobile phone masts, and their health implications. Having been translated from German into Spanish, the text is now available on our website. Finished in August 2013.
Link to the article on our website
- WAPR (World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation)
WAPR is a global initiative for the mentally ill. In our first collaboration with this association, we are translatinga bulletin of 15000 words from English into Spanish. August 2013.
- Research Institute of Waldorf Education
We are translating the second book this year into Spanish, called “Developing the Observing Eye,” for the Research Institute of Waldorf Education. This is quite a hefty project (over 30.000 words), so it took us a few weeks to complete (July 2013).
Early this year we have been asked to help translate the book “HANDWORK and HANDICRAFTS”. As this was quite a hefty project (over 40.000 words), it took us a few weeks to complete (May 2013).
The Research Institute was founded in 1996 to investigate and improve the quality of Waldorf Education and to deal with educational issues.
Link to Waldorf Online library
- Ojo de Agua
Ojo de Agua works to create better educational environments for children. We are collaborating with this NGO by translating a few articles from English to Spanish. We have already translated two of them, but a last one has also just been translated (The benefits of unschooling) and it will appear in our articles section soon. We would like to invite you to not only read it, but also comment on it.
- Centro de Formación de Pedagogía Waldorf
This Waldorf Teacher Training Centre offers a variety of courses at all levels, from pre-school through to primary, special, obligatory secondary and higher secondary education levels, and even courses in artistic and social skills. We have helped to translate an article from English into Spanish.
Link to the article "El papel fundamental del juego durante la infancia"
- AGLE - Arabako Gizarte Laneko Elkartea (Asociación Alavesa de Trabajo Social)
This Basque NGO was founded over 10 years ago and seeks to defend the principle of social work. Their website was, until recently, all in Spanish, yet we helped them to translate it into Basque. December 2013.
- SPLAN – Spanish Planet Language
Spanish Planet Language is a new NGO which acts as a cultural and linguistic association. The organisation promotes the teaching of Spanish as a second language and encourages the use of Spanish among native speakers. The NGO largely seeks to lend its services to foreigners living in Spain, hoping to start by translating its website into English, Chinese, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese. We are still looking for a volunteer to translate from Spanish or English into Chinese, so do get in touch if you would be interested in collaborating on this project. However, the Russian and Portuguese versions have been translated and will be available online within the next few months. December 2013.
- Objectif Sciences International
Objectif Sciences International was founded in 1992 and is based in Swtizerland. The NGO provides young people with the opportunity to carry out scientific research projects at an international level, a worldwide initiative . is the NGO also organises “Les Vacances Scientifiques” (“scientific holidays”)which are research activity camps for young people based in France, Canada and the USA. One of our volunteers has just completed a translation of 1,000 words from French into Catalan, and we will probably work with this organisation again in the future. If you are interested in collaborating, do get in touch with us. December 2013.
- Mujer Frontera
Mujer Frontera is an NGO founded by women from all over the world, many of whom were victims of trafficking themselves. The NGO seeks to raise awareness of, and combat, human trafficking. Many of the women have contributed to the NGO’s guide to the issue of human trafficking and we have recently translated this document from Spanish into Portuguese. November 2013.
Link to the Portuguese Guide of Mujer Frontera
- EKOenergy
EKOenergy consists of a network of European environmental NGOs and its main aim is to both promote the use and development of sustainable, renewable electricity, and contribute to the protection of biodiversity. Its electricity label allows customers to easily navigate the complex European electricity market; thus EKOenergy is the only sustainability label of its kind to result from a pan-European consultation process. We have recently translated EkoConnect’s website into Basque and Galician; this will allow them to reach a greater European readership. October 2013.
Link to EKOenergy (Basque site)
Link to EKOenergy (Galician site)
- EkoConnect
EkoConnect is an NGO based in Dresden. It seeks to enforce and supports the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences in the field of organic agriculture. Through its network, this NGO allows organisations operating in the organic sector to come into contact, regardless of their location. Our volunteers have just proofread two texts translated from English into Bulgarian. September 2013.
Link to newsletter number 32 of EkoConnect
Link to newsletter 32 from EkoConnect (Lithuanian)
Link to newsletter 32 from EkoConnect (Czech)
- Fian Belgique
Fian Belgique fights to defend one of our most fundamental human rights, access to food, and strives to support those suffering from hunger and malnutrition. It aims to draw public attention to the issue and ensure that governments honour the various pacts and conventions surrounding human rights.
The website is an important tool used by the organisation to raise awareness, and we have helped to translate this. Our latest project was a translation from French into Dutch, which can be found here:
- Sociedad Antroposófica
Having previously translated the website of the Anthroposophical Society into many languages, it was only natural that, this year, we translate it into Portuguese as well. This society promotes research in the spiritual domain, focusing on broadening all areas of knowledge.
Link to the website of Sociedad Antroposófica
- Reporters sans frontières (Reporters without borders)
January 2013: It’s a pleasure to collaborate with this important NGO again. In this most recent collaboration, we translated an article about press freedom in Khazakstan into Russian.
- National Network for Mental Health
This Canadian NGO was set up by and for people who have experienced mental health issues . We offered them our services with a translation from English into French. December 2013.
- Mosoh Cameroun
Mosoh Cameroun seeks to facilitate the integration of disabled people into society in Cameroon, as well as raising awareness of their rights and finding ways to make their daily lives easier (tackling issues such as, social exclusion, terrible living conditions, limited opportunities for education and professional training, insufficient medical resources, etc.). In our fourth collaboration with this NGO, our volunteers translated 4 documents, totalling over 20,000 words, from French into German. Although some 4.000 words had to be left untranslated as one of the volunteers let us down,the NGO appreciated our translators efforts regardless. December 2013.
- Jugend denkt um.welt (JDUW) - youthinkgreen
By encouraging active participation in climate change campaigns and initiatives and incorporating youth groups from 12 different countries worldwide, JDUW hopes to inspire young people to ´think green.´ 2 short documents from German into French were translated for this NGO by our French volunteers. December 2013.
- National Network for Mental Health
The National Network for Mental Health is a Canadian NGO set up by and for people who have experienced mental health issues, providing the expertise and resources to help those affected in the Canadian community. We helped the NGO to translate its new web content from English into Quebec French so that they could reach the French-speaking population. This project also allowed us to collaborate with Canadian French and European French translators. September 2013
One of our French volunteers also translated recently 2 important documents for the organisation’s AGM. October 2013.
- Mujer Frontera
Mujer Frontera is an international project that works to raise awareness of, and fight against, human trafficking. We are currently translating from Spanish into English and French a 7000 word guide to the issue, written by victims of trafficking. May 2013.
- Union Francophone pour les Cannabinoides en Médecines (UFCM)
The organisation was founded in Luxembourg in June 2010. It seeks to provide information and support scientific research into the uses of cannabis and its derivatives in herbal medicine. It also encourages the exchange of information between researchers, doctors and patients. By collaborating with similar national and international organisations, the NGO hopes toto bring about changes to the legal framework and administrative practices which regulate the distribution, importation and production of cannabis-based products for medicinal purposes.
Whilst we helped to translate a larger report last year, this translation was merely a short article from Italian into French.
- Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO)
Fair Trade Advocacy Office is part of the Fairtrade International, the World Fair Trade Organisation-Europe and the European Fair Trade Association. They hope to improve the lives of workers and producers in marginalised areas by working together.
We showed our support for this initiative with a free translation from English to French.
- Charity Foundation
The main goal of this Germany-based NGO is to protect the rainforest in the Congo region which is under threat of deforestation.
We are more than happy to help them and showed our support by translating a short text from German into French.
- Care and Development of Children
This NGO has parternered up with Social Development Agencies, working together to provide developmental and educational opportunities for children from lower socio-economic backgrounds. They hope that this will, in turn, empower the children to become responsible citizens. One of our volunteers translated 2 short texts from English into German. November 2013.
Link to Care and Development of Children
- Rumah Bapaku
Rumah Bapaku is a non-profit organisation which supports 36 underprivileged children in a home on the island of Bali, Indonesia. Last year we translated their website from English into French and Dutch. This year we have translated their website into German. This not only consisted of translating the general text on the webpage , but it also included a 15,000-word translation of the children’s individual biographies. October 2013.
Link to Rumah Bapaku's German website
- Blog: What is happening in Istanbul?
We recently translated a blog entry from the Turkish blog,http://defnesumanblogs.com, from English to German. The article, entitled “What is Happenning in Istanbul” documents the reactions of the police to the recent protests in the capital city, which were held in protest of the demolition of Gezi Park to house a shopping centre. It has already attracted plenty of attention in both the blogging and human rights spheres. Be sure to comment on our site if you have any thoughts.
Link to the translation of the article on PerMondo
- Fondazione AVSI
Fondazione AVSI is an Italian NGO founded in 1972. It is involved in more than 100 projects in developing countries across the world, operating in the spheres of education, healthcare and labour. It is guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church, recognising that every person has a right to dignity. We have recently translated some internal documents from Portuguese into Italian, although these will not be published. October 2013.
- Soleterre strategie di pace ONLUS
Soleterre is a secular, Italian NGO which fights to defend human rights around the world. We have recently translated some internal reports from Spanish into Italian, which we hope will allow them communicate with their collaborators in Latin America. September 2013.
- ASI - Associazione Solidarietà Internazionale
January 2013: This organisation works with Nicaraguaand other countries. In our most recent collaboration with this NGO, we translated a document from Spanish into Italian.
- Peeragogy
Peeragogy is one of the larger projects that we have been working on and it comprises over 50,000 words. We translated the English handbook into Italian.